
    Check box below if you are interested in our Reagent Bundle.
    2400: Reagent Bundle 40L - $145.25

    Check box below if you are interested in our individual reagents.
    2401-10L: 10L Packaged, Bottled and Sealed Deionized Water, ASTM Type I-$65.002401-20L: 20L Packaged, Bottled and Sealed Deionized Water, ASTM Type I-$75.002403-1000: 1L Buffer Stock Solution (1% boric acid). Makes 40L of Buffer-$35.202404-125: 125 ml Buffer Adjustment Solution (dilute ammonium hydroxide)-$45.702407-4L: 4L Caustic Stock Solution (50% NaOH). Makes 40L of 5% Caustic Solution-$72.002410-125: 1000 ppm Ammonia (as Nitrogen) Standard, 125 ml, NIST Traceable $20.202410-500: 1000 ppm Ammonia (as Nitrogen) Standard, 500 ml, NIST Traceable-$35.602411-125: 1000 ppm Nitrate (as Nitrogen) Standard, 125 ml, NIST Traceable-$20.002411-500: 1000 ppm Nitrate (as Nitrogen) Standard, 500 ml, NIST Traceable-$36.60

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